5.Candle Spells

Candle Spells

We Charge a candle means instilling it with magical intent. candle that has been charged fills our personal space with intention and expands it into all four elements and into the celestial sphere.

Ritual candles are chosen for their colour correspondences and are carved, “dressed,” or anointed with special oils chosen for their particular energy.

Once you clarify the intention for candle spell we perform spell accordingly . for e.g. Love spells, Money spell, etc

Fees -

₹1055 per spell

6.Cord Cutting

Cord Cutting

A negative energy cord can make one feel emotionally connected to an EX even after a breakup .People can attract new relationships due to such energy cords. cutting a cord immensely improve a relationship - Parent -child ,romantic relationship, Past Relationships, friends & siblings . It makes any relationship healthier & improves quality of future relations.

It is 21days guided meditation process for 40min ,which will occur in quite peaceful place .

Fees -

2555 for 21days

7.Animal Spirit Guidance

Animal Spirit Guidance

An Animal spirit is supernatural being that is believed to connect with humans on a higher level : A Spiritual level .

They are often seen as guide or protectors . As such,they can help us through tough times and show us new prespective of life .

In North East india Wolf is spirit animal people worship wold as GOD.

Fees -1555

8.Dice , Dominoes & symbol Reading .

Dice , Dominoes & symbol Reading .

Dice Divination is one of the most authentic & spiritual practice that started with casting small bones (huckle/knuckle bone) while having a belief that it generates certain message/warning and advices. lately, Development took place with Dice with numbers/Dots/points have taken its place along with dices which also have letters carved to form a sentence/name/meaning as per the questions asked .

Dominoes - It is chinese technique to fortell the future.

Symbols- symbols are often characters, settings and images .To get meaning from symbols we describe in the form of story related to life issues which is currently facing by you .

These readings are valid for only 7 days .

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